general: debug: false instance_name: "Astrial Search", privacypolicy_url: "" donation_url: false contact_url: "" enable_metrics: true brand: new_issue_url: docs_url: public_instances: wiki_url: issue_url: search: # 0: none, 1: moderate, 2: strict safe_search: 0 autocomplete: "" favicon_resolver: "" default_lang: "auto" ban_time_on_fail: 5 # seconds max_ban_timeon_fail: 60 # seconds suspended_times: # Engine suspension time after error (in seconds; set to 0 to disable) # For error "Access denied" and "HTTP error [402, 403]" SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400 # For error "CAPTCHA" SearxEngineCaptcha: 86400 # For error "Too many request" and "HTTP error 429" SearxEngineTooManyRequests: 3600 # Cloudflare CAPTCHA cf_SearxEngineCaptcha: 1296000 cf_SearxEngineAccessDenied: 86400 # ReCAPTCHA recaptcha_SearxEngineCaptcha: 604800 # [html, csv, json, rss] formats: - html - json server: port: 8080 bind_address: "" base_url: "" limiter: true public_instance: true secret_key: '' # overwritten by ${SEARXNG_SECRET_KEY} image_proxy: true # 1.0 or 1.1 http_protocol_version: "1.1" method: "POST" default_http_headers: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Download-Options: noopen X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow Referrer-Policy: no-referrer redis: url: '' # overwritten by ${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL} ui: static_path: '' # cache busting static_use_hash: true templates_path: '' query_in_title: false infinite_scroll: false default_theme: "simple" center_alignment: false default_locale: "" theme_args: simple_style: auto search_on_category_select: true # default, vim hotkeys: default # pretty, full, host url_formatting: pretty # lock settings on preference page preferences: lock: [autocomplete] outgoing: request_timeout: 3 # seconds useragent_suffix: "+webmaster [at] astrial [dot] org" # max concurrent connections pool_connections: 100 # max keepalive connections pool_maxsize: 20 enable_http2: true categories_as_tabs: general: images: videos: news: map: music: it: science: files: social media: ### Engines ### engines: - name: wikipedia engine: wikipedia shortcut: wiki display_type: [infobox, list] categories: [general] - name: wikinews engine: mediawiki shortcut: wikin categories: [news] base_url: "https://{language}" search_type: text srsort: create_timestamp_desc about: website: "" wikidata_id: Q964 - name: wiktionary engine: mediawiki shortcut: wikit categories: [dictionaries, wikimedia] base_url: "https://{language}" search_type: text about: website: wikidata_id: Q151 - name: bing engine: bing shortcut: b - name: bing images engine: bing_images shortcut: bii - name: bing news engine: bing_news shortcut: bin - name: bing videos engine: bing_videos shortcut: biv - name: google engine: google shortcut: g - name: google images engine: google_images shortcut: goi - name: google news engine: google_news shortcut: gon - name: google scholar engine: google_scholar shortcut: gos - name: youtube engine: youtube_noapi shortcut: yt # Art Institute of Chicago - name: artic engine: artic shortcut: arc